Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pickup Day!

We (Spencer, his dad, grandmother, and I) made it down to Canon City this morning at about 11 AM. It was a neat experience, I'd never been around that area of Colorado before! At the prison where I picked my colt up, they hold anywhere between 2,500 and 3,000 mustangs. They feed a semi-load of hay PER DAY. That's a lot of horses! It definitely gave me a better appreciation and understanding for what it takes to care for our national treasures.

Sooo on to the latest addition at 8th Heaven Farms...

He is a 4 year old gelding that was captured as a baby from the Sulphur herd in Utah. He's dark bay/brown with 3 short socks, a small star and small snip. I might also add that he has a beautiful head and large, shapely and expressive ears!

I think I've gotten lucky and received a horse that is pretty quiet, smart, and seems to think things through before reacting. I was pleasantly surprised with how well he took in all of today's events.

I spent about 20 minutes today after unloading him getting to know him a little and see what he's all about. We ended with him being able to yield his hindquarters to me pretty good. He faced up and did some licking and chewing. I think we made good first impressions on each other. I plan to spend more time with him tomorrow and will post pictures!

I'd still like some name suggestions - right now I'm leaning towards "Cabrito" which means "kid" in Spanish. That seems to fit him!

Well that's all for now. It's been a long day and hopefully I'll actually be able to sleep tonight! :)

Checking out his new pen and kinda getting to know each other

What a pro in the trailer!

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