By this time, it was apparent that I probably wasn't going to be able to touch him today so it was time to look for a good stopping place. Not being able to get close enough to touch him made for a challenge of getting the rope off his neck. After flipping it around both sides of his head and body hoping the rope would slide through the honda and loosen up, we decided to fashion a "hook" that I could get close enough with to let the rope run through. By 1 p.m. I had the rope off, had a refresher course in my rope handling skills and my mustang's as well!! He got it over his back, around his butt, wrapped all the way around all 4 feet and handled it all quite well!! No kicking and firing or bolting off. What a very sensible young colt!
3 hours is a pretty long first session for any horse (and me for sure lol), let alone one that has never been handled, but I gave him lots of breaks and "soaking" time so he never quit on me. I'm very happy and encouraged with what we got done today. I think once he gets over the hump of being touched and is able to relax all the way, we're going to be rolling along pretty quickly!
Here are the name ideas we have so far:
Any other ideas?
This is about as close as he would let me get today

Almost there...

Getting the hind quarters shaped up

Taking a moment to relax

Driving past me, getting a feel for the rope

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