Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saddle this week?

First off, Happy Easter to everyone! After yesterday's session I'm thinking I might be able to saddle Cabrito in the next week. Even though the wind has been blowing non-stop for the last 4 days, I've still been plugging away with my boy. He sure has a great sense of confidence so the wind didn't seem to get him all pumped up like it does to the "domestic" horses. Yesterday I worked more on touching him everywhere, including his legs and belly. He got to experience the lead rope being pulled up around his girth and handled that really well. Spencer even took his coat off and rubbed him on the back with it. Then I worked on teaching him to lead up next to me better. He caught on to that pretty quick and I had him leading well from both sides.

I'd like to get him saddled soon so he can get comfortable wearing it. I'm going to start with a bareback pad and go from there! So hopefully we'll get that done this week as well as some ponying and introduction to some obstacles for more trust building.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing great. With his confidence in you it will be hard to find things he wont do. Keep up the good work. God Bless BW
